So. I've decided that at least for the next several months, I will use this blog platform to share what I know about gardening. Specifically, how to grow a lot of food without a lot of fuss. I used to be a vegetable gardener, then I just was a gardener for the last decade. My thinking is that if I share this in a more thoughtful way, it might be useful to someone deciding to take the leap into gardening or looking to ramp up their garden in the next couple of months.
These will be short, because they will be daily. Why daily? Because that's the only sort of habit I seem to be able to stick with. So I will keep them short. Today we got seeds in the ground. It's amazing how important that step is, and yet how we can take days to get around to it. Thinking of all the digging and amending and whatever we need to do... And then we look up and two weeks have gone by. So today my daughters helped me muck out the hoophouse where I had been working all winter, we pulled up the plywood, raked the leaves underneath into the path, broadforked it, spread some fertilizer, cultivated it in, raked it again, and then planted potatoes, carrots, spinach, radishes and lettuce. Then we did the same with an outside bed and planted sugarsnap peas. How long did that take? Less than an hour. So don't make it more complicated than it needs to be. Go put some seeds in the ground. And if you live somewhere where that is not appropriate, fill an egg carton with soil and sow some seeds in that. Just start something.
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